How to Link to a Specific Slide in Google Slides

How to Link to a Specific Slide in Google Slides

In longer presentations, linking from one slide to another using a hyperlink can be very useful. You will be able to keep the presentation’s key points accessible and avoid feeling “lost” during the presentation. This guide will show you how to create a link to access a specific slide in Google Slides.

Link a Specific Slide in Google Slides

  1. Open your presentation in Google Slides.

    Open your Slide Presentation in Google Slides
    Go to Google Slides and open your slide presentation.

  2. Find an element in the current slide that you want to turn into a link. Remember that you can turn words, images, and certain objects into an interactive link that will send users to a slide. In this article, we’ll choose a word.

    Highlighted Word In the Slide Presentation
    Find an element in the slide that you want to turn into an interactive link. You can also do this with shapes.

  3. Highlight your chosen element and go to the Insert tab. Choose Link in the dropdown menu.
    Inserting a Slide Hyperlink to a Word in Google Slide
    After highlighting the word, go to the Insert tab and choose Link.

    Note: You also can press Cmd + K on Mac or Ctrl + K on Windows to bring up the link dialog box.

  4. Once the link dialog box appears below the object, select the Slides in this presentation option at the bottom.

    Linking Slides to a Word
    Choose the Slides in this presentation option at the bottom.

  5. Select what slide you want to link the object to. In this article, we’ll choose the Next Slide option, although you can also pick specific slides.

    Picking a Slide to Link to from the Slide Directory
    Pick the slide that you want to link to the highlighted word in the slide list.

  6. After choosing a slide, the word will change into a hyperlink format, as shown in the image below. You can now access your selected slide by clicking on the hyperlink embedded in the word.

    Word Changed to a Hyperlink Format
    Once the slide is inserted via a link, the word formatting will change to a hyperlink.

  7. In the case of shapes, you’ll need to click them first to show the hyperlink to your chosen slide.

    Linked Slide in a Shape
    Click the shape to access the inserted slide link.

Phoebe is an HR assistant in her day job, but is also a web blogger that loves writing guides and sharing her experiences. When she is not out with her friends, she enjoys traveling or binge-watching Netflix. She graduated with a BA in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Utah, and is a chief editor at TechObservatory.