How to Change the Font in Notion

How to Change Font in Notion

Fonts can help organize the crucial parts of the workflow. Notion allows you to change the font style, size, and color, and keeps the styles consistent across all the platforms such as web, desktop, tablet, and mobile.

This guide will show how to change the font in Notion, either internally or using third-party fancy fonts.

Using Notion Fonts

Notion offers 3 font choices: Sans (Default), Serif, and Mono. Keep in mind that changing the font will change the font on your entire Notion page – you cannot change the font for a specific section.  Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page you want to edit.

    Open Page
    Open or create a page from the sidebar.

  2. Click the three dots icon on the top-right corner of Notion.

    Ellipis button
    Click on the three-dotted ellipsis button on the top-right corner of the page.

  3. Under the “Style” section, you’ll see options to switch fonts. Click any of the three fonts to make the changes.

    Change Notion Font
    Switch between the three fonts to make the changes to your page.

Using Fancy Fonts

If you want to use a custom font, there is no native way to do so. However, you can use third-party websites that generate fancy fonts. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to change the font for a specific page section. Follow these steps;

  1. Type the content you need on your Notion page.

    Type the content
    Type the content on your Notion page.

  2. Then, use a fancy-font-generator website that generates Unicode text. You can use one of the following websites: YayText, LingoJam, Gypu, and TheFancyText. I’m using YayText for the demonstration.

    Open a fancy font generator website.

  3. Copy the content you’ve typed and paste it here.

    Paster the Content
    Copy the content from Notion page and paste it here.

  4. Scroll down and choose the font you like. Then, click on the Copy button on the right of your font style.

    Copy Button
    Click on the Copy button next to the font of your choice.

  5. Go back to your Notion page. Delete what you originally typed out and paste your newly formatted text.

    Change Fancy Font
    Paste the copied content on your Notion page.

Phoebe is an HR assistant in her day job, but is also a web blogger that loves writing guides and sharing her experiences. When she is not out with her friends, she enjoys traveling or binge-watching Netflix. She graduated with a BA in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Utah, and is a chief editor at TechObservatory.

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