Trello uses the revised Markdown syntax, a simple language for formatting text. Markdown allows you to format text in Trello’s bio section, card description, checklists, and comments.
Note that not all markdown syntaxes work across all sections of a Trello card. For instance, you can use markdown to bold text in the comments section. However, you can’t format text as an H1 or H2 with a markdown in the comments. You also can’t use Markdown syntax at all on the card titles.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to format text in various places in Trello.
This article will give you the keyboard shortcuts and markdown syntaxes you can use on Trello for formatting text and the sections you can use those syntaxes in.
Formatting text in Descriptions, Comments, Checklists, and Bio
If you’re trying to format text in descriptions, comments, checklists, or bio on a Trello card, here are the formatting options available:
Bolding text on Trello
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + B (Command + B on Mac)
Markdown: Put two asterisks or two underscores before and after the text.
How to Italicise Text on Trello
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + I (Command + I on Mac)
Markdown: Enter a single asterisk or single underscore before and after the text.
How to Strikethrough Text on Trello
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S (Command + Shift + S on Mac)
Markdown: Use a tilde before and after the text.
How to Inline code on Trello
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + M (Command + Shift + M for Mac)
Markdown: Use a backtick or a backquote before and after the text.
`Sample Text`
How to Insert Links on Trello
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + K (Command + K on Mac)
Markdown: To add a hyperlink to your text, the text should be in square brackets and the link in round brackets.
[My text](

Markdown Syntax Applicable Only for Descriptions and Comments
How to Insert a Horizontal Line on Trello
To use a line somewhere in your card description or comments, use three hyphens or three dashes to create a horizontal line:
Note: The syntax for creating a header is similar to inserting a horizontal line. You should leave an empty line before using this syntax. Otherwise, it will create a header.
How to Code Block on Trello
Enclose the text in three backticks or three backquotes. Enter backticks on the previous and the following line of the text.
Note: Leave a blank line before using this syntax.
Sample Text
Alternatively, you can also create a code block by adding four spaces before the text like so:
Sample Text
How to Indent Text on Trello
Indent a text by using a right-pointing angle bracket or the greater-than sign before the text:
>Sample Text

How to Insert Bullets and Numbered Lists on Trello
You can create an ordered list (using numbers) or an unordered list (using hyphens). Make sure you leave an empty line before starting a list like so:
1. Sample
2. Text
3. For
4. Lists
Markdown always creates a list starting with the number 1, regardless of which number you use at the beginning of the list.
If you want to start a list with a specific number, use a backslash to restrict markdown from formatting the text as an ordered list:
17 January
How To Create Nested Lists on Trello
You can also create nested lists (a list within a list) by leaving a blank space before the number or the hyphen like this:
- Sample Text
- Nested Lists can be created using bullets or numbers.
Adding color to text background in Trello
Type in the color code after a hash, and you’ll see that particular color chip. For example: #51e898
Examples for Bullets, numbering, nested bullets & Hex color codes.
Markdown Syntax Applicable Only for Descriptions on Trello
How to Create a Header in Trello Descriptions
You can create a header by adding several hashes equal to the level of the header tag. For example:
<h1> – use a single hash #
<h2> – use double hashes ##
<h3> – use triple hashes ###
Alternatively, use three hyphens in the line after your text to create a header.
How to Insert Embedded Images in Trello Descriptions
You can insert an image in the description box in Trello by inserting the text for the image in square brackets with an exclamation in the beginning, followed by the link in round brackets. For example: