Whenever someone completes their work, switches teams, or leaves your organization, you might want to remove them from Asana. The process to do this is quite simple.
Following are some ways in which you can remove people from your Asana workspace and from specific teams. Proceed with the method that suits your situation the best.
Remove Someone From Asana Workplace
Both the premium version and the free account users can use this method.
- Launch Asana and click on your user icon in the top right corner of the window.
- Select Admin console from the context menu.
Access the Admin console - Click Members from the left panel.
- Select the three dots icon on the right side of the member you wish to kick, and then select Remove.
- On the pop-up window, click Remove to confirm your decision.
Remove the member
Remove Someone From a Team
If you just want to remove someone from a certain team, Asana allows you to do that as well. When you remove someone from a team, they will no longer be able to access the team’s projects and team conversations. Here is what you need to do:
- Access the project from which you want to remove the member.
- Click on the members’ icon at the top.
Select member’s icon - This should display a pop-up with all the details of the members of that project.
- Locate the member you want to remove and expand the drop-down menu associated with it.
- Choose Remove from the project in the context menu.
Remove the member from the project