How to Use Asana Portfolios

How to use Asana Portfolios

Portfolios in Asana aggregate multiple Asana projects in one place. They let you see key project information conveniently so you can keep a track of your tasks without having to switch multiple tabs. You can see what each contributor is working on, as well as status updates and overdue tasks.

However, setting up Asana portfolios can be a little complicated for some. Below are listed the steps of creating Asana portfolios from scratch and using them efficiently so that you can make the most out of this feature. 

Create a Portfolio

Here is how you can create your own Asana portfolio:

  1. Launch Asana and click on Portfolios from the left panel.
  2. Click on New Portfolio.

    Choose to create a new portfolio in Asana portfolios
    Choose to create a new portfolio

  3. Next, add a portfolio name and choose your privacy settings. Once done, click on the Create Portfolio button.

    Name your new portfolio in Asana portfolios
    Name your new portfolio

  4. Then, click on the + Add work button and enter the name of the project you want to add.

    Add work to your portfolio
    Add work to your portfolio

Work With Asana Portfolios

Below are listed 3 ways you can use Asana portfolios to your advantage.

Method 1: Support Your Team

It’s your job as a manager to manage the workload of your team, but keeping tabs on what your team members are doing can sometimes become a challenge. 

status of tasks in Asana portfolios
Status of tasks

Asana portfolios solve this problem for you. The assignees for each project appear automatically in every portfolio view. By doing this, you can see how many tasks each individual is working on as well as how long they are taking. Also, this tool enables you to evaluate the amount of work needed for each task by means of hours, resources, and cost, which will help you in figuring out the budget and time spent. 

Method 2: Get a Run Down of Multiple Projects

Using Asana portfolios, you can keep track of multiple Asana projects regardless of their location. Moreover, since Asana portfolios can be housed within other portfolios, you can build the hierarchy you need to maintain information flow.

run down of multiple projects in Asana portfolios
Rundown of multiple projects

The portfolio screen will display the latest status of any project along with the tasks, milestones, and goals pertaining to that project.

Method 3: View the Historical Data

Asana’s portfolio feature lets you see how all your projects performed during a specific season in one place. You can instantly see past status reports, incomplete tasks, and detailed information about specific projects that your team completed in the past.

Historical information in portfolios

Phoebe is an HR assistant in her day job, but is also a web blogger that loves writing guides and sharing her experiences. When she is not out with her friends, she enjoys traveling or binge-watching Netflix. She graduated with a BA in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Utah, and is a chief editor at TechObservatory.

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